I've been receiving a mounting number of questions about the delivery time for the 2nd printing of Angelarium: Book of Emanations. Many of you have made pre-orders that have lingered for much longer than the estimated delivery date.
I took the pre-orders down as soon as I lost sight of when the book was going to be delivered and made a promise to myself that I wouldn't collect more money book orders until I had delivered the ones I'd already received. Thankfully, this update is coming with good news.
My printer had originally estimated an 6-8 week turnaround time for any repeat printings. Since I re-ordered in late December, I figured that would put it at late February. The thing I didn't account for was Chinese New Year. With the printer being in Taiwan, the production was delayed as everyone tried to get their projects through before the holidays.
The books have finished printing and are en-route to my studio and warehousing partner right now. The estimated delivery date is March 16th, which would mean that I would have them in stock just in time for C2E2 here in Chicago. Any back orders will be filled first and new orders will be opened up as soon as we have them going out.
Sorry for the wait and I hope you enjoy the book!